
Dylan Siragusano

10 Photography Tips to Shoot Strangers

Intro When you practice street photography, you will quickly come across one of the main difficulties encountered by photographers who do not shoot in studio conditions: photographing strangers. I think people who do street photography have a particular attraction to…

Tips to find the best place for Street Photography

Intro In the practice of street photography, what is sought above all is the capture of an instant, of a singular moment that it would not be possible – or very difficult – to see again if the photographer had…

20 Do’s And Don’ts of Street Photography

Intro It’s okay, you’re on the right foot. You are ready to embark on the adventure of street photography. You are armed with your best gear, determined to take the best photos of the city you are in. You swell…

Viltrox 33mm F/1.4 Review for Fujifilm X

Intro I was honoured to be able to test the Viltrox 33mm F / 1.4 over the past month to give you my opinion on this affordable lens. Equivalent to a 50mm on APS-c sensor, this lens is said to…

Best Street Photography Lens: 35mm vs 50mm

Introduction A crucial choice is quickly imposed on people wishing to embark on street photography: the choice of lens. This choice must be made carefully because it will determine how you will approach your subjects and your environment and your…

20 Street Photography Ideas in 2021

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Intro: Street Photography is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting areas of photography. To go out into the street is to go there with your guts, to confront the unknown. It is accepting to…