
10 Tips & Tricks to Make the Perfect Photographs of Water You Never Miss


If you’re looking to take stunning photographs of water with your phone and camera, you’ve come to the right place! You can create the perfect photograph water shots with the right tips and tricks. You can take stunning pictures of water with your phone by following these tips and methods, which range from picking the proper lighting to using editing applications.

Photo timing depends on light

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One of the most important tips for photographing water with your camera is to pay attention to the timing of the shot. The light of the day is a significant factor affecting how your photos turn out. Sunlight, sunset and overcast days all make a difference. To get the best results, choose a time when the light is soft and warm, and shadows are not harsh.

In addition, experiment with different times of day to see which ones provide the most exciting lighting effects. For example, take photos during golden or blue hours, when the light is lovely. 

Also, try shooting during the tide’s peak to capture dramatic long-exposure shots of waves crashing against a shoreline. Taking the time to consider when to shoot can significantly improve the quality of your photos. Look around your surroundings and think about what mood or atmosphere you want to portray in your image. Will it be vibrant and energizing? Peaceful and calming? Use the time of day to help bring out these qualities in the photo.

Utilise various shutter speeds

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When taking pictures of water with your phone, shutter speed is one of the essential tools at your disposal. This setting allows you to control the time the camera shutter is open, which can affect the motion blur and the overall quality of your photos.

To take great photos of water, you’ll want to experiment with different shutter speeds. If you’re looking for a silky smooth effect, you’ll need to use a slow shutter speed. This will require you to use a tripod to keep your phone steady while it’s taking the shot. Try using a fast shutter speed to capture a frozen moment in time. This will allow you to freeze any movement in your photo, such as the splash of a wave or the splash of a bird taking flight.

It’s also important to note that different lighting conditions can affect how you adjust your shutter speed. For example, in low-light situations, you may need to slow down your shutter speed to let in more light. On bright days, however, you may need to use a faster shutter speed to prevent overexposure. 

By experimenting with different shutter speeds, you’ll be able to get the perfect shot of water with your phone!

Locate the proper place

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an area that is either shaded or well-lit, depending on the desired outcome. When looking for a place, also consider the background. Make sure it doesn’t clash with the foreground water elements. Avoid bright backgrounds when shooting in bright sunlight, as this will create a distracting glare in the image. If shooting in low light, look for a dark experience to reveal the water’s details. 

Once you have selected the right place, take some test shots and adjust your settings accordingly. Check if your camera has a depth of field feature, which helps to keep objects at different distances from the lens sharp and in focus. You can also use this feature to reveal details of the water, like surface ripples. Lastly, make sure to find an angle that works for you. Shooting at an oblique angle often works well for water photography, providing an interesting perspective.

Incorporate eye-catching components

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When photographing water with your phone, try incorporating eye-catching components into the image. A few easy ways to do this include using reflections in the water, adding colourful foliage or flowers around the shoreline, and using leading lines such as bridges or pathways. Reviews can add an interesting effect to a photograph and provide a beautiful contrast between the water’s stillness and the reflection’s motion.

If you’re taking photos of a lake, incorporating colourful plants and foliage near the shore will draw attention to the lake and add depth to the photograph. Lastly, using leading lines such as bridges or pathways will lead viewers’ eyes towards the picture’s focal point. Incorporating eye-catching components into your photos of water is a great way to take your images to the next level. Another way to make stunning photographs of water is by shooting during golden hour.

During golden hour, which occurs shortly after sunrise or before sunset, the sun casts a golden light onto the landscape, which creates a stunning visual effect. It’s also important to experiment with different angles when shooting water.

Make a shot plan

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Having a shot plan is essential when photographing water with your phone. Before you start shooting, it’s important to consider the kind of image you want to capture and how you want it to look. Here are some tips to help you create a plan:

1. Decide on your composition: Consider what elements you want in the frame and where you’d like them placed. Decide if you want a horizontal or vertical shot, and think about what angle works best for the subject.

2. Choose your focal point: Is there a particular detail in the water that you want to emphasize? Use your focal point to draw attention to your image’s specific area or aspect.

3. Set up your camera: If you have a phone camera lens, make sure it’s properly attached. Also, adjust your ISO and white balance settings to get your shots’ desired exposure and colours.

4. Find your light source: Look around and assess the light quality and direction. Make sure to find a light source that brings out the beauty of the water and adds depth to your images.

5. Choose suitable filters: Use different filters to bring out the details in the water and create a stimulating effect. 

6. Experiment with shutter speed: Play with shutter speed to create various effects in your photographs. Slower shutter speeds can capture movement and create blur, while faster shutter speeds can freeze the action instantly.

By taking these steps, you can create a shot plan to help you get stunning water photos with your phone. So experiment with different compositions, focal points, light sources, and shutter speeds to capture perfect shots of the water!

Do not use flash

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When photographing water, it’s important to remember not to use flash. This can cause a reflection on the water’s surface which will ruin your image. Instead, make sure you use natural light to your advantage by choosing the right time of day to shoot. Early morning or late evening are usually the best times as the sun is low in the sky and provides a beautiful diffused light. 

This can help you capture stunning images of the water. Consider using long-exposure photography to capture movements in the water, such as waves or ripples. Using a tripod will help keep your pictures steady and prevent camera shake. To ensure you get the best shot, experiment with various shutter speeds to find the perfect balance of motion and clarity.

Get a waterproof case and go deep down

One of the best ways to capture the beauty of water with your phone is to use a waterproof case. This will allow you to get up close and personal with the water and take photographs from a unique angle. Taking photos underwater can produce some stunning results. However, it’s important to remember that not all phones are waterproof, so always check the manufacturer’s information first.

Once you’ve got your waterproof case, you’ll need to be careful when taking photos in the water. Always keep your phone in its waterproof case and ensure that the seals are firmly secured before going underwater. It’s also a good idea to check the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure that your phone is suitable for the conditions you’ll be photographing.

If you’re taking photos underwater, try to stay close to the surface, as this will provide you with the best light for capturing the details and colours of the water. Try to keep your movements slow and steady, as sudden movements can create a blurry photograph. If you have a tripod or floating device, this can help keep your camera steady. 

When you’re done taking photos, make sure that you thoroughly clean your phone and its waterproof case before putting it away. This will help ensure that no water damage has occurred while photographing in the water.

Take pictures of the water

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Getting close and personal with the water can produce some of the most beautiful photographs. Doing this with your phone can be challenging, but it is possible. Here are some tips to help you take pictures from the water: 

1. If you can access a boat, canoe, or kayak, use it to get out onto the water for some stunning shots.

2. To get closer to the water without getting wet, try using a telephoto or zoom lens to get your shots.

3. If you’re taking pictures of a lake, river or beach, consider standing at the water’s edge. This will allow you to capture the reflections on the water’s surface and create interesting compositions.

4. If you’re at the beach, consider shooting low and close to the shoreline. You can also use a long exposure setting on your camera to capture the waves as they crash against the sand.

5. Remember to take pictures from underneath the water’s surface. Using a waterproof housing for your phone, you can get great underwater shots showing off nature’s incredible beauty.

Detect reflections

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The water looks gorgeous when captured in reflections, especially when the water’s surface is calm. Reflections can be photographed in lakes, rivers, puddles, and even microscopic water drops. Watch for reviews of objects such as trees, buildings, boats, piers, people, birds, and clouds whenever you are near water.

Using reflections to build symmetrical compositions is a brilliant idea. Make sure to place the horizontal line of symmetry in the centre of the frame for perfect balance. To ensure the symmetry line is absolutely central, you might need to stoop down and shoot from a low angle.

Reflections are beautiful to photograph in puddles. So, go outside with your iPhone to search for unique puddle reflections after it rains.

My daughter frequently participates in my puddle reflection photos by posing for me. A person can help you tell a compelling story and give the image a solid focal point. The image above reflects how I managed to get into a tiny watery pool on top of a maintenance hole cover. I frequently turn my photos of puddle reflections upside down in post-processing for more amusement or drama.

Make ripples and splashes

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The wonderful thing about water is that you can completely alter its appearance by creating ripples or splashes on the surface.

Throwing a little stone into a flat body of water can significantly change. The resulting circular ripples will produce a stunning image with a clear focal point.

The stone’s splash entering the water can also be captured if you time your shutter release perfectly. Kids will enjoy helping you throw stones if you have any!

Use the burst mode to take several pictures quickly for the best results. Then, among the options presented, select the best one.

Hold down the shutter button while shooting to use burst mode. To guarantee that you will capture the splash, begin shooting right before the stone enters the water.

You could ask a companion to use their hand to splash the water if you have one. I made the image of the water sprays with my daughter’s assistance. Burst mode is helpful for this kind of photo once more.

To make a big splash, your subject could jump into the shallow water if they don’t mind getting wet. Or ask them to step into the water and generate a tiny ripple or splash.

You may also use ripples to take stunning abstract pictures of water. You may photograph the patterns and lines on the water’s surface if you come near and fill the entire frame with water.

Most Frequently Ask Question

1. What is the best time of day to take pictures of water?

Answer: The best time to take pictures of water is in the golden hour (just before sunset or after sunrise). This is when you’ll get the most vibrant colours and beautiful lighting.

2. How can I make my water photos look more attractive?

Answer: Try using a slower shutter speed and incorporating exciting elements into the photo, like rocks, plants, and reflections. You can also try playing with different angles, shooting from high up or low down for a unique perspective.

3. What kind of phone do I need to take photos of water?

Answer: Any smartphone with a good camera can capture stunning photos of water. If you want to go underwater, invest in a waterproof case for your phone.


Taking the perfect photograph of water with your phone can be challenging, but with the proper knowledge and techniques, it is achievable! By understanding the different types of light and how to adjust your settings accordingly, finding the appropriate location, including eye-catching components, making a shot plan, avoiding flash and getting a waterproof case to capture shots from the water, you can create stunning images of water. With practice, patience and these simple tips and tricks, you can produce beautiful photos of water with your phone that will make your friends and family proud!



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The Ultimate Guide for photography composition 25
My name is Oliver, and I am an amateur street and architecture photographer who loves to capture the essence of travel through my lens. I use iPhone 14 and Sony 6400 camera paired with the versatile Tamron 18mm-300mm f/3.5-f/6.3 lens to bring my vision to life.